Thursday, January 27, 2011

So Excited To Get This Blog Started!!!!

I am so excited to get this blog up and running! Today seems like the perfect day to get it rolling since we (my 2 year old son, Chase, and myself) won't be thrifting:( We are all sick...yuck! I am hoping that this blog will be an inspiration to those that have unique taste, want to exhibit a different style, or even earn some extra cash on the side by having an awesome hobby.

First....a little background on me. I am a 29 year old mommy....I just turned 29 and 30 is freaking me out a bit. LOL. I think we all go through it. Anyways, my loving and supportive husband, Ray, is an active duty Marine and we are currently stationed in Pensacola, Florida. We have been here for about 8 months and it is a definite change from San Diego, California where I was born and raised. Not a bad change, just different. I am one of those people that is on the lifetime schooling know....the one that never really graduates and just stays in school forever. Haha...totally joking here. I have my undergrad in accounting and never really loved the subject, so I decided to continue on and get my MBA. That is what I am currently working on. While we were in San Diego, I made extra money by buying and selling used textbooks, but when we moved to Florida it was virtually impossible to do it because there are not as many big schools around here as in San Diego. What's a girl to do?

I don't remember what actually made me want to go to a thrift store to shop. Maybe it was my search  for a vintage train case. Whatever the reason...I am glad that I did it. It is amazing what you can find and the prices are unbelievable! I slowly started with luggage and handbags and now I have incorporated clothing and household goods. My husband jokes that we need a bigger house just to fit all of my finds in before I sell them. LOL. I tell him we just need to clean out the garage.

My partner in crime is no other than my son, Chase. Since he is home with me all day, he goes with me and I do have to say that he is developing an eye for stuff. He was really attached to an old cigar box purse that I just recently sold. He would park his little matchbox cars in it like it was a garage. It would kill Ray to see him tote this thing around, especially when we met Ray on base one night while he was on duty. Here we are around all of these big, bad Marines and here comes my burly son carrying his makeshift garage. I still laugh when I think about it. goes the tales and adventures of thrifting with my son or as the title states, thrifting with mommy.  Stay tuned for everyday antics in my family's life, running my business, and enjoying a hobby that has become a true passion of mine. I hope that we can inspire and give you a good laugh for the day:) To see what we find, visit

1 comment:

  1. Well, I'm going to be following this darling blog for sure. You're a fun writer and I'm aleady drawn into the cast of characters. I agree with Chase, that purse was a smart little garage for his fleet.

    Get better very soon.
